Film Screenings at Folkemøde Møn

August 14, 2023

In the upcoming weekend, The Why will be present at Folkemøde Møn in Stege, Denmark.

On Saturday the 19th of August we will be showing some of our documentaries for free in Bio Møn. Two of the films, Tæt på Lykkelig and En Hær af Sønner, will be followed by a debate with invited guests.

All films will have Danish subtitles.


Watch the fascinating story of homeless Nicu, who lives in the tunnels under the big city of Bucharest and, together with many other homeless children, struggles to survive and create some kind of family.

Join Rafea's journey from one of Jordan's poorest villages to India, where she trains as an engineer to bring solar energy to her village. But first she must fight against the local traditions and gender roles.

Follow the unequal battle between human rights lawyer Terry and Nestlé. The world's largest cocoa producers signed an agreement 20 years ago to abolish child slavery. Despite this, 1.5 million children still work on the cocoa plantations.

At 13.15: TÆT PÅ LYKKELIG - film with debate
Watch the film that follows Hassan's struggle to obtain his Danish citizenship. Even though he was born and raised in Denmark, Somali is listed in his passport. After the film, you can meet Hassan, the director, and representatives from the organizations "Fair Citizenship" and "Us outside".

At 14.45: EN HÆR AF SØNNER - debate with Yaqoub Ali
Go behind the scenes of family life among a group of Islamists in Syria. We come close to how a brutal ideology is handed down to the next generation of sons, as it shapes them into future soldiers. After the film, you can meet the former militant Islamist Yaqoub Ali, who today fights against social control and radicalization.

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